Sunday, November 30, 2014

The News You Need

       Right now, there is unrest in nearly every part of the world. Many people are having big realizations about the way the world works and who exactly is controlling it. People are beginning to realize that our so-called elected officials and structures of government do NOT have the best interest of the people at heart and that the system is totally fraudulent. We are starting to focus more on what unites us as a people, rather than what separates us. We all want freedom, justice and happiness. We all want a safe world to live in for ourselves and our families and friends. We want peace. Ultimately, we the people hold the power in more ways than we can currently fathom. It is we who are collectively dreaming this dream, and just as we have created a nightmare, so too can we create a serene dream. Not only are we greater in physical numbers than "the powers that be", but the sheer mind power of the collective is enough to facilitate a great shift in our world. Now, humanity has made the choice that it wants to evolve. That means we are ready to take full responsibility for ourselves and our own lives and that we no longer need to abdicate our power to some outside authority. This is what we are now creating. We are in the process of something far more expansive, far more mysterious and divine than anyone quite realizes. We are in the midst of a divine plan in action. Millions of years of build-up has led us to this point: the shift into the golden age, the 1,000 year period of light, the moment we have all been waiting for! It is here, it is now so do your part to help anchor this new frequency and facilitate this new way of life for everyone on the planet.
   This is a time of choices and a time of extremes. If you have chosen the path of light, there is no room for swinging back and forth any longer. Every day, every moment, we must strive to stay in our highest state, to act as one with our highest selves, to love everyone we meet, to feel one with mother earth and to express gratitude. The time is now to rise to our highest calling and to do what we know deep in our being that we are here to do. As I said, this is a time of extremes, and as we are rising to the light, the dark is rearing its ugly head to be cleansed and released. Do not fret at the chaos and terrible darkness that is coming to the surface now. It IS a manifestation of our own inner shadow that is coming up in the outer reality in order to be acknowledged and healed so we can move forward.
     Take heart dear ones, the battle is almost won, the journey has just begun and we are in for a wild ride!
Peace to all
Love to all,
Light to all
Sat Nam

Friday, November 28, 2014

You Need To Know About GMOs!

         Imagine a world where one need not scrutinize every food label or decide whether to spend the extra money for food not sprayed with poison. Imagine no label such as "conventional" or "organic" exists because wholesome, toxic chemical-free food is simply implied. Now snap back to the reality we currently occupy, which is that genetically modified foods, processed foods, and chemical laden fruits and veggies are sweeping the shelves of grocery stores all across the world. Not a pretty picture we find ourselves in.
       The culprit? If you haven't yet heard of a company called Monsanto, you best pay close attention. Monsanto claims to be a "Sustainable Agriculture Company", but in truth is anything but. They claim their main objective is solving world hunger and creating more nutritious food, but instead they are meddling with nature, shutting down small farms, forcing farmers into unfathomable debt, poisoning our bodies, soil and water and taking control of our food supply. How do they do this? Their main avenue of control is through the seeds. They mess with the genetics of various foods such as soybeans, corn, and other Earth given gifts in order to claim intellectual rights and patent the seeds as their own. Then they get in bed with governments and authoritative organizations and buy up smaller seed companies, thus creating a monopoly. They can essentially charge these humble farmers whatever they want for their heinous genetics. Furthermore, they have been known to sue farmers for royalties after their crops had inadvertently been contaminated with GMOs.
        Monsanto essentially creates crops that are resistant to their pesticide called Roundup. Roundup is extremely toxic and the use of which is creating superweeds and super pests not affected by the chemical. Not only is it a non-solution for pests and weeds, but it also contaminates soil and runs-off into the water supply. At this point, our environment is heavily contaminated with glyphosate, a dangerous chemical found in Roundup. Glyphosate is a major cause of the health crisis humanity is currently facing causing diseases such as: Autism, Obesity, Allergies, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Infertility, MS and the list goes on.
      So, now that we know the cause of the problems we face, how do we take action to counteract what's happening? Just by reading this article and becoming aware of the issues at hand is the first step. Now that you are privy to this information you can take steps in your own personal life to make changes. You can seek out local, organic farms and support them by buying their produce. Not only does that help the farmer but it protects you from all the harmful effects of the GMOs. When you start making smart, more conscious choices, those around you will be inspired to do the same. Start the ripple effect! Helping to educate people about Monsanto, GMOs and the contamination of our environment is a huge step to take. The more people that become aware, the stronger the opposition to this giant corporate monster which is trying to steal our right to life. The best thing you can possibly do to alleviate this huge problem is to grow your own, organic food. By doing that you are directly taking control of you and your family's food security and access to safe, healthy, clean food.    
       It is time to get food supply out of the hands of dirty corporations and back in the hands of the people. Our food is our responsibility. We have been blind and foolish to let something so intimate as the food we eat to be outsourced to corporations who have no regard for human life or that of the planet. Knowledge is power, so now that we have the knowledge, let's take back the power!